Sunday, June 23, 2013

Oh So Very Sleepy

So I know that this post is super late, but I've gotten a lot done today and didn't get home until late.

Things I've Done Today:
#14- Eat S'mores: I went to a little bonfire at my friend Gelato's house after her graduation party, which was earlier in the afternoon. I always seem to forget just how tasty s'mores actually are!
#34- Be more social: Believe it or not I'm actually doing really well on this one! Between last night and tonight I've gone to my orientation, two parties, and seen Monsters University. On top of all that, I have another party tomorrow after work!
#127- Prepare for college: Like I said earlier, I went to my college orientation (it was a little boring but I made a lot of friends, yay!) I also downloaded a lot of note taking and planner like apps to help me stay more organized in college.
#169- Get an iPad: I got a 16gb white iPad today!! Hooray! Now I can use it for all sorts of college things, especially books!

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