Saturday, June 22, 2013

Falling Behind & Catching Back Up

So I know that I've messed up a bit the last couple of nights because I didn't get around to posting.. but I've actually been really busy lately. Despite my busyness, you'll be pleased to know that I have actually been keeping up with my list items!

Things I've Done:
#10- Reconnect with an old friend: So my friend Rafiki and I were really good friends last summer, and then during this past school year we had grown apart; but now, we're working on fixing our friendship and making it stronger.
#23- Go see Monsters University: Just got back from watching MU not too long ago. IT WAS AMAZING! I was so happy with this sequel, (because usually sequels suck) and I can't wait for it to be out on DVD. I should have some pictures up from it in a couple of days.
#47- Get a colorful pair of Ray Bans: Kuzco actually ordered me a green pair off of the internet... yay!!
#49- Stop biting my nails: Well ladies and gentlemen, it's been about a month since I've stopped biting my nails so I'm calling this a victory!
#52- Go stargazing: So every year my bets friend Kuzco and I go startgazing. Usually, we lay on the roof of my shed, but because the roof is beginning to cave in we had to change locations to the park not too far from my house. Obviously it was too dark for pictures.
#105- Go for a walk late at night: After Kuzco and I went stargazing we took the long way home in order to take a walk late at night. It was kind of dark and spooky, actually.
#169- Buy an iPad: So my grandparents gave me a decent chunk of money (thank you so much!) so I actually have enough to buy my iPad; which is awesome.
#197- Buy a cute pair of shorts: I finally found a cute pair of shorts that were not only cheap but fit me really well... which is the perfect mix!

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