Friday, June 7, 2013

A Million Little Grains of Sand

So today was my last full day of high school, I don't technically graduate for another week but it's just finals week and we're not actually doing anything in school. So to prematurely celebrate the beginning of summer, my best friend Kuzco and I went to the beach!

This means that this is what I completed today:
#5- Go the the beach: Check! We went to Stinson beach and got lost on the way there.
#16- Bury a friend in the sand: Kuzco was kind enough to allow me to bury in the sand, I accidentally got sand in his ear though.
#37- Build a sandcastle: We didn't have any supplies so we had to get creative.. it's kind of a lame sand structure but oh well, there's all sorts of castles!
#141- Write a secret in the sand: This was a little embarrassing because a lot of random people passing by saw it too, but at least I completed it!
#181- Make a summer snowman: Kuzco and I both admit that our summer snowman was awful. We had the best intentions for it but it just didn't turn out too well because the tide was coming in really fast and I just barely managed to snap a picture before our little summer snowman got demolished.

I'm trying to find a way to create a photo gallery on the side of my blog so that I don't have to try and post multiple pictures in every post.. if I can't manage to do it, then I'll add the pictures from today onto this post!

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