Thursday, June 6, 2013

Popsicle Meltdown

Whelp, today started out really, really well and then it kind of went south (go figure, just my luck).Mostly, I'm stressed out about college. I'm really not looking forward to commuting from home and not getting to experience dorm life, and I am especially not at all jazzed about taking public transport. I know it'll save gas money, toll, and the aggravation of sitting in traffic, yadda, yadda, yadda; but still, definitely not looking forward to it one bit.

Anyways, besides that bit our sourness from me, I had a lovely coffee date with one of my old cheer coaches. She and I talked about my list and my favorite topic, Disneyland. It was great swapping stories and experiences about Disneyland, and things I'm looking forward to; I also really enjoyed hearing her comments when I explained various parts of my list to her.

I got a little bit done today, not a ton though, but that's mostly because I had to finish my stupid final essay for my philosophy class. On a side note, on my daily list I will no longer be putting that I posted on my blog because well.. if you're reading this then I obviously posted so it's a bit repetitive.

Here's what I did get done:
#36- Learn to make crepes: I found someone with a crepe pan and is willing to teach me how to make them!
#40- Drink more water: I've kind of slowed down my intake because I've been so busy but I'm determined to finish at least 4 bottles tomorrow.
#49- Stop biting my nails: Still haven't bitten my nails! Probably one of the most successful things so far.
#55- Take at least one picture every day: I take so many pictures everyday it's ridiculous.. I'm always afraid that eventually someone is going to confiscate my camera!
#85- Work out every single day: I've definitely started doing more walking than I used to, but I feel like I need to start doing some more hardcore work outs. I'll probably start that once my summer formally starts, right now is just a good time to get myself into the groove of working out everyday.
#144- Fill an entire sketchbook with doodles: I finished two pages today! 48 pages to go!
#184- Become healthier: When I went to Starbucks I ordered a tall drink instead of a venti, go me!

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