Monday, June 10, 2013

The Sweet Melody of Gardening

So today while I was just vegging out on the couch after a long day at work, I was scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed and I came across a status that was very intriguing. Someone was giving away their ticket to Warped Tour. Yup, for FREE! So of course I commented and messaged them immediately asking if I could have it and they said yes!
So on June 22nd, I will be heading into San Francisco for Warped Tour. This means that I'm on my way to completing item #10- Go to a concert. Hopefully I can get Kuzco or another friend to go with me!

Also, I've finally figured out how to make a slideshow of my summer bucket list pictures! Obviously I would need picture proof to show all of you guys, but I thought it would get difficult (and slightly annoying) having to scroll through the posts for who knows how long to see all the pictures. Now they're in a convenient (and nifty!) little slideshow on the side bar at the top of my profile! Enjoy!
On another note, I also looked into completing more things on my list. Go me!

Things I've done today:
#4- Plant a garden: On Pinterest there's an entire category for gardening! I was looking through it and there are so many unique and interesting looking plants that would be so much fun to plant in my garden. Like the "smoke" bush for example, it has these super light leaves that change colors during the seasons (I'm assuming kind of like trees instead of just going from green to brown like most bushes I've seen..)
#108- Plant an herb garden: So I was checking out Pinterest and I came across a bunch of herb planting pins that would be super easy and super cute on the counter space of my little cottage (the guest house on my parents' property which is where I'm living while I go to college). Now I just have to decide which design and what kind of herbs I want and then I have to go buy them. Sound do-able!
#200- Re-landscape the yard: Also while on Pinterest I was checking out some fun and exciting gardening things so do in our backyard and in front of the house. I will probably also make some window boxes for the cottage to liven it up a bit. 

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