Tuesday, June 11, 2013

It's A Turtle of A Day

Let me just start off this post with a little bit of a disclaimer, no the names I use aren't the names of my real friends. For their safety (and mine) I've decided to use various nicknames when I want to reference my friends, if there was any confusions that Kuzco and Squiby were nicknames.. this is just in case a super fan of my blog decided to stalk my friends in order to become the sole person in my life. Hah just kidding, no one would ever like me enough to do that! So my friends are about as safe as a goldfish in a bulletproof aquarium, but just in case I'm going to be keeping their names a secret., and honestly it makes it so much more exciting and mysterious that way.

Moving on.

I would like to make a HUGE shout out full of LOTS OF LOVE AND HUGS AND KISSES to my only avid reader, my pal Squiby *insert rambunctious round of applause here*. Thanks Squibs, it means a lot that you read my strange and semi-incoherent thoughts every day!

Now, on to more pressing matters..

Things I've done today (to be honest I was busy with work, school, and being lazy so I actually got very little done):
#10-Go to a concert: So I have a friend to go with me, which means... Off to Warped Tour I go! (Yay!)
#50- Have a beach bonfire: I'm going to change this slightly to "Go to a beach bonfire", much less stressful. My senior class is having a bonfire at one of the beaches nearby tomorrow night and if I get someone to drive with me then I get to go. Anyone need a D.D(;
#78- Reread the entire Harry Potter series: Started the Sorcerer's Stone tonight and I'm determined to get to at least page 50 before I pass out!
#200- Re-landscape the yard: Mom and I have been watching so many shows on HGTV so I'm getting TONS of new ideas!!

1 comment:

  1. you're right love! i do appreciate this post! :D i'll do a shoutout to you on my blog, so if there's anyone that actually regularly reads mine, i might be able to direct them your way as well.. xo
