Sunday, June 9, 2013

Festival Festivities

Today was the second day of the annual Art & Wine festival that takes place in my town every year, and so I went with my family before I had to go to work. It's always so fun and exciting to see all of the interesting and colorful booths, and it was just such a fantastic thing to do with my family. Unfortunately, I ended up getting a bit of a sunburn, but I did also manage to complete some things on my list!

Things I did today:
#33- Get an anklet: I stopped at this super cute booth called Aquamarine and got a really simple matching set with an anklet and a necklace. They identical, gold chain with a dark purple pearl, but I thought they were just so cute!
#49- Stop biting my nails: My nails are getting longer! I had bought a nail growth polish not too long ago and I think I'm going to start using it again to speed up the process of growing my nails out a bit.
#85- Work out every single day: I walked all the way to the festival with my mom, then back a bit so that I could go to work. Then at work I was lifting heavy buckets of water to water the plants, as well as doing some heavy duty mopping. Needless to say my arms are feeling a bit sore.
#109- Get a charm bracelet: I got my first charm today! I bought it from one of the festival booths, and it was only $6 (score!). It's a small, silver charm with a turtle that dangles from it with a black bead. Now I just need to get the actually bracelet and I'll be making good progress.
#160- Go to a festival: Like I said earlier in my post, I went to the Art & Wine festival and walked around for about 2 hours.

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