Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Longing for that Summer Air

Ugh, I hate being in that weird place where school isn't quite over yet but there's that smell of summer in the air and I can't help but find myself staying up way later than I should. It can't be helped though, and I'm sure my constant obsession with the items on my list aren't helping my insatiable craving for summer to come faster. I graduate in 9 days, and honestly I just want school to be over with. It makes me crazy knowing I waste all this time at school when I could be spending it putting in the effort to cross things off my list!

On a happier note, my friend from school told me about this nifty app called Songza. It basically works like Pandora but it creates playlists off of different moods or times of days that you can choose, it's pretty cool. Right now I'm using it to get some exposure to some new and exciting summery sounding songs, this way I can start working on item #39 (Make a summer playlist). There's definitely a lot of bouncy and exciting songs on here that are totally getting me pumped up for this summer.. which on second thought probably isn't the best thing to listen to at 11:30 at night but oh well.

Other than perusing the app, I haven't really done much more on my list today. I have the basics of continuing the following:
#9- Write a blog all summer long
#18- Go to Disneyland: I'm still avidly working on planning my trip!
#28- Disneybound as a Disney character: I've been checking out the tumblr page for inspiration every day.
#29- Fill an entire coloring book: I have 5 pages done in my Disney coloring book now!
#40- Drink more water: I always have big blue by my side!
#49- Stop biting my nails: I haven't bitten my nails in a couple days, it was really hard at first but I think I'm getting better about it.
#51- Start jogging everyday: They haven't been very long jogs, but I have done a little here and there. I do make sure to walk at least half a mile everyday thought so I'm counting that as progress.
#55- Take at least one picture everyday: I was already doing this before my list, but now I'm really taking pictures of all sorts of things for my lists. Some of my pictures are new, and others are snapshots of old pictures, but I don't really care; a picture is a picture.
#70- Write a novel: I'm still working on my book, but progress is going a little slow.. my writing time and dedication will definitely skyrocket when I have more time and don't have to go to school anymore.
#85- Work out every single day- Like I said earlier in my post, I make sure I walk at least a half mile every day and walking is certainly considered a form of working out!
#109- Start a charm bracelet: Now that I know where to get one, I'm planning on snatching it up and starting it up as soon as I get a bit of cash!
#144- Fill an entire sketchbook with doodle: I work on this everyday at school, so far it's going slow but it's the effort that counts! And after all, I do have all summer to do it!
#160- There's actually an Art & Wine festival this weekend and I want to go so badly! Hopefully I'll have enough time after work.. I work all weekend, which sucks but we'll see how it goes!
#184- Become healthier: Well, I've started exercising more, eating less junk, and drinking tons more water so I definitely think I'm making good progress in the right direction.
#194- Recreate an old picture: I think I'm going to try and recreate a picture of me from one of the other times I went to Disneyland, I think that would just be such a fantastic picture!

That's 15 items on my list that I'm already making fantastic progress on, how exciting! I am fully confident that I'll be able to get it all this summer!

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