Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Fire's Dying Out

So, as I said in my post last night there was supposed to be a beach bonfire for my senior class tonight. Key word here, supposed. Basically, what ended up happening is that it was super windy, only 9 of us showed up, and none of us had anything for a fire. Yup, pretty lame. BUT, I was asking the other 8 people there and they all agreed that I can still count it for my list.

Why, you ask?

Well here's why. I get to count this as an item completed because I had every intention of going to a beach bonfire, participating in the fun, and sitting by a fire. Not to mention, I drove 4 other people and brought food so the fact that there wasn't a fire there isn't my fault at all!

Things I've done today:
#50- Have a beach bonfire: Like I said, I'm deciding that tonight counts. So, hooray! I finished another item on my list!
#76- Watch the sunset: It was so windy, and sand was being thrown in my face (very viciously, might I add) but I did in fact watch the sun set, and I snapped a couple of pictures as well!
#136- Make a funny face collage: I took a new picture for my collage, I uploaded it onto picasa web, so hopefully it'll automatically become part of the slide show (cross your fingers!)

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