Sunday, June 2, 2013

Letting Go of the Past, Moving On With the Future

So today, I came to the realization that since college is fast approaching everyone is starting to distant themselves from their friends. Maybe they're just trying to save themselves from feeling lonely and nostalgic when they start college, or maybe it's because not all friendships can stand the test of time; but in a way all of this has greatly effected me today. Therefore, I decide to really focus on re-enforcing some of the friendships that I would be absolutely heartbroken if I lost.

Since something that a lot of my list items have to do with are being more fit, and just healthier in a general sense, I decided to walk to and from work today (15 minutes each way, so it was a nice bit of exercise but didn't tire me out for work). After work, I then headed over to my good friend *Squiby's house. Squiby and I have been good friends since kindergarten and it's been amazing watching her grow into the fantastic person she is now- obviously this is a friendship that I can't let go without a fight. So while I was over there she and I decided to go on a nice long walk with her dog, and we just talked about life and other important things that are quickly approaching as we find ourselves about to graduate. While going on the walk did contribute to my summer bucket list (# 51 Start jogging everyday, after all you can't just start jogging and running immediately!), I found myself feeling much more accomplished by realizing that her and I's friendship is really just as strong as ever.

So things that I managed to do today:

#40- Drink more water- My obsession with my huge, 32 oz water bottle continues! There's just something so exciting about finishing off a full water bottle, refilling it, and then finishing it all over again. It's surprisingly entertaining, and not to mention good for me as well!

#51- Start jogging everyday: As I said earlier in this post, I went on a long walk with Squiby and found that I'm really not as out of shape as I thought I was, which is fantastic! With this new realization in tow, I can't wait to really start getting out there and pounding out some miles- one at a time, of course.

#85- Work out every single day- Instead of driving to work today, I decided to walk. It really wasn't that bad, only 30 minutes of walking in total, but I feel very pleased with myself. I also did some extensive mopping at work today, which believe it or not I have actually lost 17 pounds because of my hardcore mopping since starting my job at a bakery in March!

#92- Since it isn't quite summer yet, I've been a little lenient on this one but I am pleased to say that these last few days I've officially had my last sodas for the summer. On Saturday night I had some delicious Cream Soda from BJ's Restaurant and Brewery, and today I ended it on a good note with a good, old fashioned Pepsi (Yum! My favorite!) While it'll be really hard staying away from soda, I know that it's better for me to not drink it anyways.

#164- Get a MacBook: Today, my dad and I went down to the Apple Store to check out there selections of MacBooks since I'll be needing one for college. I was surprised at how nice and helpful everyone there was. I think I'm slowly breaking my dad down on getting me a 13" Macbook Pro. Keep your fingers crossed!

No pictures today, unfortunately, but I should be doing a lot more items fairly soon and hopefully I'll have buckets of pictures to show all of you! (Haha, buckets.. get it? Buckets of pictures of my bucket list.. hahaha; it's just as funny the second time too!)


  1. I'm honored! I made it into a post! I hate to say it lovely, but you cant get rid of me that easily. Haha keep up the great work! :)

  2. also, you should make your blog accessible to pinterest so I can pin you! xo

  3. Hmm.. how would I make my blog accessible to Pinterest?
