Sunday, June 23, 2013

Oh So Very Sleepy

So I know that this post is super late, but I've gotten a lot done today and didn't get home until late.

Things I've Done Today:
#14- Eat S'mores: I went to a little bonfire at my friend Gelato's house after her graduation party, which was earlier in the afternoon. I always seem to forget just how tasty s'mores actually are!
#34- Be more social: Believe it or not I'm actually doing really well on this one! Between last night and tonight I've gone to my orientation, two parties, and seen Monsters University. On top of all that, I have another party tomorrow after work!
#127- Prepare for college: Like I said earlier, I went to my college orientation (it was a little boring but I made a lot of friends, yay!) I also downloaded a lot of note taking and planner like apps to help me stay more organized in college.
#169- Get an iPad: I got a 16gb white iPad today!! Hooray! Now I can use it for all sorts of college things, especially books!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Falling Behind & Catching Back Up

So I know that I've messed up a bit the last couple of nights because I didn't get around to posting.. but I've actually been really busy lately. Despite my busyness, you'll be pleased to know that I have actually been keeping up with my list items!

Things I've Done:
#10- Reconnect with an old friend: So my friend Rafiki and I were really good friends last summer, and then during this past school year we had grown apart; but now, we're working on fixing our friendship and making it stronger.
#23- Go see Monsters University: Just got back from watching MU not too long ago. IT WAS AMAZING! I was so happy with this sequel, (because usually sequels suck) and I can't wait for it to be out on DVD. I should have some pictures up from it in a couple of days.
#47- Get a colorful pair of Ray Bans: Kuzco actually ordered me a green pair off of the internet... yay!!
#49- Stop biting my nails: Well ladies and gentlemen, it's been about a month since I've stopped biting my nails so I'm calling this a victory!
#52- Go stargazing: So every year my bets friend Kuzco and I go startgazing. Usually, we lay on the roof of my shed, but because the roof is beginning to cave in we had to change locations to the park not too far from my house. Obviously it was too dark for pictures.
#105- Go for a walk late at night: After Kuzco and I went stargazing we took the long way home in order to take a walk late at night. It was kind of dark and spooky, actually.
#169- Buy an iPad: So my grandparents gave me a decent chunk of money (thank you so much!) so I actually have enough to buy my iPad; which is awesome.
#197- Buy a cute pair of shorts: I finally found a cute pair of shorts that were not only cheap but fit me really well... which is the perfect mix!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Longer Post Coming

So I actually did a bunch of stuff today but I'm too tired to write about it all right now. 

Monday, June 17, 2013

More Excuses

Yup. I suck. No, I still haven't done anything for my bucket list. Shhh, leave me alone. Hopefully I'll do something tomorrow...

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Yet Another Excuse

I have been way too busy this past weekend... But never fear! Tomorrow after work I have my friend Rafiki coming over and we're going to do a ton of list items! So I promise tomorrow will be chalk full of things!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Busy, busy, busy!

So I know that my posts the last couple of nights have majorly sucked, but I promise they'll hey better. I'm just very busy right now since I graduated from high school on Friday (go me!) Once I've got my schedule sorted back out them k will definitely start doing more list items again!!

Friday, June 14, 2013

First Day of the Rest of My Life

So I graduated today.. Go me!! Now I can really focus on my bucket list!! I'll post a longer blog entry tomorrow. Goodnight!

Summertime Adventures

Sorry for the super late post, I'm going to count this for today though because I haven't gone to sleep yet. I went to a party and spent some time with my friends so I got back really late. I'm super tired though and didn't so anything for my bucket list so I'm just going to go to sleep. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Fire's Dying Out

So, as I said in my post last night there was supposed to be a beach bonfire for my senior class tonight. Key word here, supposed. Basically, what ended up happening is that it was super windy, only 9 of us showed up, and none of us had anything for a fire. Yup, pretty lame. BUT, I was asking the other 8 people there and they all agreed that I can still count it for my list.

Why, you ask?

Well here's why. I get to count this as an item completed because I had every intention of going to a beach bonfire, participating in the fun, and sitting by a fire. Not to mention, I drove 4 other people and brought food so the fact that there wasn't a fire there isn't my fault at all!

Things I've done today:
#50- Have a beach bonfire: Like I said, I'm deciding that tonight counts. So, hooray! I finished another item on my list!
#76- Watch the sunset: It was so windy, and sand was being thrown in my face (very viciously, might I add) but I did in fact watch the sun set, and I snapped a couple of pictures as well!
#136- Make a funny face collage: I took a new picture for my collage, I uploaded it onto picasa web, so hopefully it'll automatically become part of the slide show (cross your fingers!)

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

It's A Turtle of A Day

Let me just start off this post with a little bit of a disclaimer, no the names I use aren't the names of my real friends. For their safety (and mine) I've decided to use various nicknames when I want to reference my friends, if there was any confusions that Kuzco and Squiby were nicknames.. this is just in case a super fan of my blog decided to stalk my friends in order to become the sole person in my life. Hah just kidding, no one would ever like me enough to do that! So my friends are about as safe as a goldfish in a bulletproof aquarium, but just in case I'm going to be keeping their names a secret., and honestly it makes it so much more exciting and mysterious that way.

Moving on.

I would like to make a HUGE shout out full of LOTS OF LOVE AND HUGS AND KISSES to my only avid reader, my pal Squiby *insert rambunctious round of applause here*. Thanks Squibs, it means a lot that you read my strange and semi-incoherent thoughts every day!

Now, on to more pressing matters..

Things I've done today (to be honest I was busy with work, school, and being lazy so I actually got very little done):
#10-Go to a concert: So I have a friend to go with me, which means... Off to Warped Tour I go! (Yay!)
#50- Have a beach bonfire: I'm going to change this slightly to "Go to a beach bonfire", much less stressful. My senior class is having a bonfire at one of the beaches nearby tomorrow night and if I get someone to drive with me then I get to go. Anyone need a D.D(;
#78- Reread the entire Harry Potter series: Started the Sorcerer's Stone tonight and I'm determined to get to at least page 50 before I pass out!
#200- Re-landscape the yard: Mom and I have been watching so many shows on HGTV so I'm getting TONS of new ideas!!

Monday, June 10, 2013

The Sweet Melody of Gardening

So today while I was just vegging out on the couch after a long day at work, I was scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed and I came across a status that was very intriguing. Someone was giving away their ticket to Warped Tour. Yup, for FREE! So of course I commented and messaged them immediately asking if I could have it and they said yes!
So on June 22nd, I will be heading into San Francisco for Warped Tour. This means that I'm on my way to completing item #10- Go to a concert. Hopefully I can get Kuzco or another friend to go with me!

Also, I've finally figured out how to make a slideshow of my summer bucket list pictures! Obviously I would need picture proof to show all of you guys, but I thought it would get difficult (and slightly annoying) having to scroll through the posts for who knows how long to see all the pictures. Now they're in a convenient (and nifty!) little slideshow on the side bar at the top of my profile! Enjoy!
On another note, I also looked into completing more things on my list. Go me!

Things I've done today:
#4- Plant a garden: On Pinterest there's an entire category for gardening! I was looking through it and there are so many unique and interesting looking plants that would be so much fun to plant in my garden. Like the "smoke" bush for example, it has these super light leaves that change colors during the seasons (I'm assuming kind of like trees instead of just going from green to brown like most bushes I've seen..)
#108- Plant an herb garden: So I was checking out Pinterest and I came across a bunch of herb planting pins that would be super easy and super cute on the counter space of my little cottage (the guest house on my parents' property which is where I'm living while I go to college). Now I just have to decide which design and what kind of herbs I want and then I have to go buy them. Sound do-able!
#200- Re-landscape the yard: Also while on Pinterest I was checking out some fun and exciting gardening things so do in our backyard and in front of the house. I will probably also make some window boxes for the cottage to liven it up a bit. 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Festival Festivities

Today was the second day of the annual Art & Wine festival that takes place in my town every year, and so I went with my family before I had to go to work. It's always so fun and exciting to see all of the interesting and colorful booths, and it was just such a fantastic thing to do with my family. Unfortunately, I ended up getting a bit of a sunburn, but I did also manage to complete some things on my list!

Things I did today:
#33- Get an anklet: I stopped at this super cute booth called Aquamarine and got a really simple matching set with an anklet and a necklace. They identical, gold chain with a dark purple pearl, but I thought they were just so cute!
#49- Stop biting my nails: My nails are getting longer! I had bought a nail growth polish not too long ago and I think I'm going to start using it again to speed up the process of growing my nails out a bit.
#85- Work out every single day: I walked all the way to the festival with my mom, then back a bit so that I could go to work. Then at work I was lifting heavy buckets of water to water the plants, as well as doing some heavy duty mopping. Needless to say my arms are feeling a bit sore.
#109- Get a charm bracelet: I got my first charm today! I bought it from one of the festival booths, and it was only $6 (score!). It's a small, silver charm with a turtle that dangles from it with a black bead. Now I just need to get the actually bracelet and I'll be making good progress.
#160- Go to a festival: Like I said earlier in my post, I went to the Art & Wine festival and walked around for about 2 hours.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Just a Bit of Filling

I worked a 6 hour shift at the bakery today.. which really wasn't that much fun and just sucked up a ridiculous amount of time. To be honest, I wasn't able to really do much of anything today for my list. I started work at 12 and didn't get off until 6 with no break of any sort so I really didn't have the energy to even attempt to do a list item. I'm actually going to head to bed now but I wanted to make sure I posted so that I didn't mess up #9- Write a blog all summer long.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Summer Bucket List

Summer Bucket ListSummer Bucket ListSummer Bucket ListSummer Bucket ListSummer Bucket ListSummer Bucket List

A Million Little Grains of Sand

So today was my last full day of high school, I don't technically graduate for another week but it's just finals week and we're not actually doing anything in school. So to prematurely celebrate the beginning of summer, my best friend Kuzco and I went to the beach!

This means that this is what I completed today:
#5- Go the the beach: Check! We went to Stinson beach and got lost on the way there.
#16- Bury a friend in the sand: Kuzco was kind enough to allow me to bury in the sand, I accidentally got sand in his ear though.
#37- Build a sandcastle: We didn't have any supplies so we had to get creative.. it's kind of a lame sand structure but oh well, there's all sorts of castles!
#141- Write a secret in the sand: This was a little embarrassing because a lot of random people passing by saw it too, but at least I completed it!
#181- Make a summer snowman: Kuzco and I both admit that our summer snowman was awful. We had the best intentions for it but it just didn't turn out too well because the tide was coming in really fast and I just barely managed to snap a picture before our little summer snowman got demolished.

I'm trying to find a way to create a photo gallery on the side of my blog so that I don't have to try and post multiple pictures in every post.. if I can't manage to do it, then I'll add the pictures from today onto this post!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Popsicle Meltdown

Whelp, today started out really, really well and then it kind of went south (go figure, just my luck).Mostly, I'm stressed out about college. I'm really not looking forward to commuting from home and not getting to experience dorm life, and I am especially not at all jazzed about taking public transport. I know it'll save gas money, toll, and the aggravation of sitting in traffic, yadda, yadda, yadda; but still, definitely not looking forward to it one bit.

Anyways, besides that bit our sourness from me, I had a lovely coffee date with one of my old cheer coaches. She and I talked about my list and my favorite topic, Disneyland. It was great swapping stories and experiences about Disneyland, and things I'm looking forward to; I also really enjoyed hearing her comments when I explained various parts of my list to her.

I got a little bit done today, not a ton though, but that's mostly because I had to finish my stupid final essay for my philosophy class. On a side note, on my daily list I will no longer be putting that I posted on my blog because well.. if you're reading this then I obviously posted so it's a bit repetitive.

Here's what I did get done:
#36- Learn to make crepes: I found someone with a crepe pan and is willing to teach me how to make them!
#40- Drink more water: I've kind of slowed down my intake because I've been so busy but I'm determined to finish at least 4 bottles tomorrow.
#49- Stop biting my nails: Still haven't bitten my nails! Probably one of the most successful things so far.
#55- Take at least one picture every day: I take so many pictures everyday it's ridiculous.. I'm always afraid that eventually someone is going to confiscate my camera!
#85- Work out every single day: I've definitely started doing more walking than I used to, but I feel like I need to start doing some more hardcore work outs. I'll probably start that once my summer formally starts, right now is just a good time to get myself into the groove of working out everyday.
#144- Fill an entire sketchbook with doodles: I finished two pages today! 48 pages to go!
#184- Become healthier: When I went to Starbucks I ordered a tall drink instead of a venti, go me!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Longing for that Summer Air

Ugh, I hate being in that weird place where school isn't quite over yet but there's that smell of summer in the air and I can't help but find myself staying up way later than I should. It can't be helped though, and I'm sure my constant obsession with the items on my list aren't helping my insatiable craving for summer to come faster. I graduate in 9 days, and honestly I just want school to be over with. It makes me crazy knowing I waste all this time at school when I could be spending it putting in the effort to cross things off my list!

On a happier note, my friend from school told me about this nifty app called Songza. It basically works like Pandora but it creates playlists off of different moods or times of days that you can choose, it's pretty cool. Right now I'm using it to get some exposure to some new and exciting summery sounding songs, this way I can start working on item #39 (Make a summer playlist). There's definitely a lot of bouncy and exciting songs on here that are totally getting me pumped up for this summer.. which on second thought probably isn't the best thing to listen to at 11:30 at night but oh well.

Other than perusing the app, I haven't really done much more on my list today. I have the basics of continuing the following:
#9- Write a blog all summer long
#18- Go to Disneyland: I'm still avidly working on planning my trip!
#28- Disneybound as a Disney character: I've been checking out the tumblr page for inspiration every day.
#29- Fill an entire coloring book: I have 5 pages done in my Disney coloring book now!
#40- Drink more water: I always have big blue by my side!
#49- Stop biting my nails: I haven't bitten my nails in a couple days, it was really hard at first but I think I'm getting better about it.
#51- Start jogging everyday: They haven't been very long jogs, but I have done a little here and there. I do make sure to walk at least half a mile everyday thought so I'm counting that as progress.
#55- Take at least one picture everyday: I was already doing this before my list, but now I'm really taking pictures of all sorts of things for my lists. Some of my pictures are new, and others are snapshots of old pictures, but I don't really care; a picture is a picture.
#70- Write a novel: I'm still working on my book, but progress is going a little slow.. my writing time and dedication will definitely skyrocket when I have more time and don't have to go to school anymore.
#85- Work out every single day- Like I said earlier in my post, I make sure I walk at least a half mile every day and walking is certainly considered a form of working out!
#109- Start a charm bracelet: Now that I know where to get one, I'm planning on snatching it up and starting it up as soon as I get a bit of cash!
#144- Fill an entire sketchbook with doodle: I work on this everyday at school, so far it's going slow but it's the effort that counts! And after all, I do have all summer to do it!
#160- There's actually an Art & Wine festival this weekend and I want to go so badly! Hopefully I'll have enough time after work.. I work all weekend, which sucks but we'll see how it goes!
#184- Become healthier: Well, I've started exercising more, eating less junk, and drinking tons more water so I definitely think I'm making good progress in the right direction.
#194- Recreate an old picture: I think I'm going to try and recreate a picture of me from one of the other times I went to Disneyland, I think that would just be such a fantastic picture!

That's 15 items on my list that I'm already making fantastic progress on, how exciting! I am fully confident that I'll be able to get it all this summer!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

You're Just a Daydream Away

So while I've thrown myself so enthusiastically into my summer bucket list, a small part of me can't help but feel like I need someone to do my items along with me. Originally, I was planning on doing the items with a mishmash of various people that I have befriends through the years.. but I can't seem to shake the feeling of wanting someone with a little more dedication to both me and my project. Not a boyfriend of course, I don't think a boyfriend would really be helpful and supportive enough for what I need to complete all the items on my list, and anyways boys are stupid when you put them into a romantic relationship (obviously some faulty wiring in their brains or something..). No, who I really decided I need to help me make my summer truly unforgettable is a best friend- and not just any best friend either. I need someone that really gets me, someone that's equally excited about my list and will push me to strive for success (because of course I'll need it, my motivation sucks halfway through everything).Also, if I'm being perfectly honest (which I promised myself I would be every single time I post on this blog), I want a best friend that isn't going to leave me in the fall. Don't get me wrong, I have some truly spectacular friendships..  but I really just need something new and exciting, something to really kick start the beginning of my new life. Maybe I should hold auditions?

Anyways, since I've been so busy with work I haven't really been able to do much today. I did however do some more work on planning my trip. I'm contemplating getting an annual passholder passport for Disneyland so that I can go multiple times this year.. something about the freedom to be able to go to Disneyland whenever I want to is really appealing. I'll have to work really hard on saving my money this summer if it turns out that's something I really want to consider, especially since I'm also trying to get an iPad. I might have to change a couple of things on my list since I feel like I should make it a bit more economical. If I'm being perfectly honest I would much rather put my money into Disneyland rather than going to the boardwalk, or even an aquarium. I guess it would depend on how much they cost and if changing them would really save me all that much money. In the end, it'll probably come down to I just need to work more hours... that's such a pain in the butt though. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy working in a bakery, but working the closing shift multiple days in a row is just so exhausting. Speaking of being exhausted maybe I should change one of my list items to getting more sleep, maybe then I won't always feel so blegh.

On a side note, I absolutely love my new Nikes! I was a little tearful when a little bit of avocado got on them at work yesterday but because of their color you can barely even see where it feel, so I guess that's a bit of good luck right there. I've gotten so many compliments on my shoes because they're so fun and bright. They're perfect for running and jogging in, and not to mention they have so much support and are so comfortable. They're definitely worth the money I spent for them, only $75 what a deal!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Off to Neverland

So today I've really only worked on item #18 (Go to Disneyland). I'm super jazzed about planning a trip to Disneyland, and even though it's going to be really difficult to get enough people to commit to the trip- I'm determined to go. I'm not sure why no one else seems to understand my obsession with going to Disneyland this summer, but there's no point in typing it out on here. Anyways, regardless of how many people I manage to get on board I'm going to go to Disneyland even if it means going by myself (which doesn't sound very fun honestly). As of right now I have three other people that want to come with me, but we'll see how many of them actually stick to it and come.

On a side note, I stayed up way later than I was planning to last night because I was looking online so that I could get started with #109 (Get a charm bracelet). I don't know why, but it seems to be incredibly hard to find a simple chain bracelet that I can hang charms on. I honestly don't feel like I'm asking too much for wanting a traditional charm bracelet. All in all it was a bit of a headache looking through pages and pages on Google. Finally one of my classmates told me in English today that they're selling what I'm looking for at Macy's (who would have guess?!) Once I get enough money in tips from my job I''m going to head over and get it since it's only $8-10.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Letting Go of the Past, Moving On With the Future

So today, I came to the realization that since college is fast approaching everyone is starting to distant themselves from their friends. Maybe they're just trying to save themselves from feeling lonely and nostalgic when they start college, or maybe it's because not all friendships can stand the test of time; but in a way all of this has greatly effected me today. Therefore, I decide to really focus on re-enforcing some of the friendships that I would be absolutely heartbroken if I lost.

Since something that a lot of my list items have to do with are being more fit, and just healthier in a general sense, I decided to walk to and from work today (15 minutes each way, so it was a nice bit of exercise but didn't tire me out for work). After work, I then headed over to my good friend *Squiby's house. Squiby and I have been good friends since kindergarten and it's been amazing watching her grow into the fantastic person she is now- obviously this is a friendship that I can't let go without a fight. So while I was over there she and I decided to go on a nice long walk with her dog, and we just talked about life and other important things that are quickly approaching as we find ourselves about to graduate. While going on the walk did contribute to my summer bucket list (# 51 Start jogging everyday, after all you can't just start jogging and running immediately!), I found myself feeling much more accomplished by realizing that her and I's friendship is really just as strong as ever.

So things that I managed to do today:

#40- Drink more water- My obsession with my huge, 32 oz water bottle continues! There's just something so exciting about finishing off a full water bottle, refilling it, and then finishing it all over again. It's surprisingly entertaining, and not to mention good for me as well!

#51- Start jogging everyday: As I said earlier in this post, I went on a long walk with Squiby and found that I'm really not as out of shape as I thought I was, which is fantastic! With this new realization in tow, I can't wait to really start getting out there and pounding out some miles- one at a time, of course.

#85- Work out every single day- Instead of driving to work today, I decided to walk. It really wasn't that bad, only 30 minutes of walking in total, but I feel very pleased with myself. I also did some extensive mopping at work today, which believe it or not I have actually lost 17 pounds because of my hardcore mopping since starting my job at a bakery in March!

#92- Since it isn't quite summer yet, I've been a little lenient on this one but I am pleased to say that these last few days I've officially had my last sodas for the summer. On Saturday night I had some delicious Cream Soda from BJ's Restaurant and Brewery, and today I ended it on a good note with a good, old fashioned Pepsi (Yum! My favorite!) While it'll be really hard staying away from soda, I know that it's better for me to not drink it anyways.

#164- Get a MacBook: Today, my dad and I went down to the Apple Store to check out there selections of MacBooks since I'll be needing one for college. I was surprised at how nice and helpful everyone there was. I think I'm slowly breaking my dad down on getting me a 13" Macbook Pro. Keep your fingers crossed!

No pictures today, unfortunately, but I should be doing a lot more items fairly soon and hopefully I'll have buckets of pictures to show all of you! (Haha, buckets.. get it? Buckets of pictures of my bucket list.. hahaha; it's just as funny the second time too!)

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Late Nights and Early Mornings

So today I decide it was time to her a move on #51 (Start jogging everyday). I made my way over to Kohls and got myself a pair of spiffy lookin' Nikes and a cute pair of cropped Fila yoga pants. It should have been almost $130 but I got them for just a little under $100.. Score! Can't wait to try them out on my first jog tomorrow morning!

I'm also now tapping away fanatically at the first chapter of my novel for item #70 (Write a novel). Luckily I had already planned out my characters so introducing them isn't too difficult. It's all very exciting!

Here's a picture of my new Nikes and yoga pants!