Thursday, August 8, 2013

Crossing Things Off Here, There, and Everywhere

So I went into the City yet again, except this time I went with my Dad. So my list is going to be a little different today. i'm actually going to list all the things that I've done but haven't actually mentioned yet.. because it appears I'm a tad bit behind.

Things I've Done:
#9- Write a Blog All Summer Long: I'm going to finally count this as checked off my list because I have updated this blog far more than I have any other blog in my life... in fact I believe that this is actually post #31!
#20- Go on a Hike: To be honest at this point in the summer I've actually been on quite a few hikes but I've been neglecting to take pictures of them because well, I suck.
#24- Take a Day Trip: So my mom and I actually headed over to Calistoga a little less than a week ago.. it's a very charming town but a little scary when the road name changes and you have no cell service to make sure you aren't lost (we actually weren't, thankfully).
#66- See Coit Tower: I saw it, but there were a lot of people and it was really windy so I didn't really take any pictures.
#71- Take a Bus into San Francisco: So this actually served a great purpose as I was actually practicing the route I'll be taking to commute to college this fall.
#127- Prepare for College: I now know my route, have all the electronics I need, have my book list, and have met the SFSUPD.. I'm feeling pretty darn prepared now.
#137- Have Starbucks Spell My Name Correctly Without Me Telling Them How: This is really pretty self explanatory..
#138- Take Justin to the Disney Store: Mom and I took Nemo to the store and I posed him with all of the character from Monsters University that are in the Oozma Kappa Fraternity.. the pictures were adorable!
#145- Walk Along the Train Tracks: So I actually did this with my mom at the very beginning of the summer but I never actually crossed it off.. silly me!
#155- Try New Food: I actually tried Vietnamese food a couple of days ago and it was pretty tasty!
#156- Go to the Walt Disney Family Museum: I had an absolute blast here.. I've never enjoyed a museum more than I enjoyed this one. You should definitely check it out for yourself!
#161- Eat Tiramisu: Had this as the cake at my grandma's birthday this past Sunday.. yum!
#164- Get a Macbook: I finally got my new Macbook Pro for college, yesterday... ahhh I love it so much!
#171- Go to Stow Lake: I used to go here with my dad all the time as a kid.. it was great to be able to revisit it.
#172- Go to San Francisco's Financial District: It was great to check out the financial district... especially since I'm going to be a business major at SFSU!
#187- Go to an Italian Place: Grabbed lunch at a small place called Little Henry's with my dad today; linguini with baby clams- mmm, mmm, good.
#190- See a Waterfall: I actually saw 2 waterfalls today and they were absolutely fantastic!

Friday, August 2, 2013

City Days, the Trilogy

So I went into San Francisco once more today.. I know, I know, I've gone like 3 times in 3 days but hey- I gotta get my list items done, don't I?

So here's what I did today:
#8-Send a Message in a Bottle: So I finally managed to do this! Granted my message was written on a napkin and my bottle was a plastic water bottle, but I'm still going to count it!
#21-Visit an Aquarium: So today I went to the Aquarium by the Bay, there were fish, and fish, and more fish.. and otters too!
#35- Make a Rootbeer Float: This one is pretty self explanatory.. Rootbeer and Vanilla ice cream, super basic stuff right there.
#45- Ride the Ferry: Finally rode the ferry for the first time ever! From Larkspur into the city, that way my friend Tiny and I didn't have to pay for parking in the city.. which is always a nightmare!
#63- Take Pictures in a Photobooth: This is another thing that Tiny and I did at the Wharf, which I decided to revisit while I was in the city just because there's so many list items that I can get done there.
#117- Make Chocolate Covered Strawberries: So Tiny decided to sleepover and we raided Safeway for a carton of strawberries and Dulce (which is basically microwaveable chocolate). The strawberries are delicious, by the way!
#134- Ride a Cable Car: The Cable Car was an absolute nightmare to wait for... but nonetheless it was a ton of fun to ride and a truly great experience to have.
#174- Go to the Rainforest Cafe: Coincidentally, the Rainforest Cafe is also located very near to Wharf so Tiny and I were able to have lunch there as soon as we managed to get off of the Ferry and walk all the way down the Embarcadero (which is definitely more tiring when you've already done it two days before).
#179- Use a Fake Name at Starbucks: I told them that my name was Stella, even though it is most definitely Caitlin(; hehe.. so sneaky of me!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Adventures in the City.. Twice!

I got a ton of things done today (which is awesome), and they were all done in the city! All in all I actually walked about 8-9 miles today, and I can definitely feel it! (My legs feels like they're going to fall off).

So here's what I did today:
#3- Walk Around San Francisco: I definitely did walk around SF.. walked from Fort Mason all the way down the Embarcadero, into the financial district, back up along the Embarcadero to where the car was parked at Fort Mason, then around the de Young, and then later that night around Chinatown.
#63- Have a Game Night: After I got home from my first trip to the city, I sat down and play multiple rounds of the classic board game Sorry! with my family.. I never won (bummer!).
#96- Get a Wish Tree: I got the cutest little lucky coin/wish tree from a shop in Chinatown on my second trip into SF today.
#100- Go to Chinatown: Went into Chinatown and explored about late tonight, well after dark.. it was a little sketchy and frightening, but still lots of fun.
#107- Go to a Museum: Today I went to the de Young Art Museum for the first time ever, it was really cool and interesting. I really enjoyed how there were so many different and unique pieces to look at.
#178- Go to Fisherman's Wharf: There were so many boats in and around the Wharf today, it was great looking at all of them and checking out the views of the Wharf. Didn't check out too many of the shops but I'll be heading back into the city fairly soon so I'll check them out then.
#198- Get Boba: So I actually went and got Bubble Tea (Boba) twice today. Once on each of my little adventures into the city. I know a great place where you can get it for just $1.07 so that's pretty awesome.

**DISCLAIMER** Even though I start college in late August, I'm not going to consider "summer" over until late September. So I will still be posting even in September.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Busy, Busy Little Bumble Bee

Hello everyone! I know I've been gone like all week but I've managed to keep up on various items on my list!

#15- Have a picnic: I've had so many picnics this summer but I wanted to make sure it officially got put down.
#30- See Despicable Me 2: I saw this with my mom and 2 brothers, it was absolutely amazing!
#32- Go to the Inkwells: I could of sworn that I already posted about this one but for some reason it didn't get crossed off on the main list.
#38- Make at least 10 new friends: Because I'll be going to college this fall, this item was actually really easy to check off and I have in fact managed to make 10 new friends. Mostly on my college's Facebook page when I posted about Disney lovers!
#51- Go to Tahoe: I actually just got back from Tahoe this weekend, it was such a blast!
#84- Go to a candy factory: I went to a really small little candy factory in Downtown Truckee which is actually a small family owned business.
#173- Learn to juggle: I actually learned how to juggle at a Girl Scout Camp that I worked at this past week which was pretty cool.
#188- Make a fruit salad with as many fruits as I can: I also did this at the camp, we had watermelon, pineapple, strawberries, blueberries, and grapes. It was delicious!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Back from Hiatus

So I know that I've been gone for a while... Honestly I've just been too busy and too tired to post recently. Hopefully I'll be able to post more now though!

Even though I haven't been blogging, I've still been keeping up with my list which is great!

Here's what I've done:
#39-Make a Summer Playlist: So my playlist is composed of all of my favorite songs that I know all the words too and really make me feel excited or mellow or any sort of summery feelings. You can message me if you want to mow which songs exactly. 
#87- Lose 10 Pounds: Hooray for me! I've finally lost 10 pounds, yay!!
#111- Go to a Fortune Teller: So while I was at the county fair on the 4th of July, I noticed a little booth that was kind of hidden by other booths and it ended up being a psychic's booth. I actually ended up getting my tarot cards read, as well as my palm. 
#128- Go on a Ferris Wheel: Also while at the fair my best friend and I went on a Ferris Wheel overlooking the entire fair 
#130- Get a Slurpee on 7/11: So I ended up getting a Coca-Cola and PiƱa Colada slurpee as my free slurpee!
#139- Go to the Fair: Like I said earlier in my post I went to the county fair on the 4th of July with my best friend. 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Oh So Very Sleepy

So I know that this post is super late, but I've gotten a lot done today and didn't get home until late.

Things I've Done Today:
#14- Eat S'mores: I went to a little bonfire at my friend Gelato's house after her graduation party, which was earlier in the afternoon. I always seem to forget just how tasty s'mores actually are!
#34- Be more social: Believe it or not I'm actually doing really well on this one! Between last night and tonight I've gone to my orientation, two parties, and seen Monsters University. On top of all that, I have another party tomorrow after work!
#127- Prepare for college: Like I said earlier, I went to my college orientation (it was a little boring but I made a lot of friends, yay!) I also downloaded a lot of note taking and planner like apps to help me stay more organized in college.
#169- Get an iPad: I got a 16gb white iPad today!! Hooray! Now I can use it for all sorts of college things, especially books!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Falling Behind & Catching Back Up

So I know that I've messed up a bit the last couple of nights because I didn't get around to posting.. but I've actually been really busy lately. Despite my busyness, you'll be pleased to know that I have actually been keeping up with my list items!

Things I've Done:
#10- Reconnect with an old friend: So my friend Rafiki and I were really good friends last summer, and then during this past school year we had grown apart; but now, we're working on fixing our friendship and making it stronger.
#23- Go see Monsters University: Just got back from watching MU not too long ago. IT WAS AMAZING! I was so happy with this sequel, (because usually sequels suck) and I can't wait for it to be out on DVD. I should have some pictures up from it in a couple of days.
#47- Get a colorful pair of Ray Bans: Kuzco actually ordered me a green pair off of the internet... yay!!
#49- Stop biting my nails: Well ladies and gentlemen, it's been about a month since I've stopped biting my nails so I'm calling this a victory!
#52- Go stargazing: So every year my bets friend Kuzco and I go startgazing. Usually, we lay on the roof of my shed, but because the roof is beginning to cave in we had to change locations to the park not too far from my house. Obviously it was too dark for pictures.
#105- Go for a walk late at night: After Kuzco and I went stargazing we took the long way home in order to take a walk late at night. It was kind of dark and spooky, actually.
#169- Buy an iPad: So my grandparents gave me a decent chunk of money (thank you so much!) so I actually have enough to buy my iPad; which is awesome.
#197- Buy a cute pair of shorts: I finally found a cute pair of shorts that were not only cheap but fit me really well... which is the perfect mix!