Thursday, August 8, 2013

Crossing Things Off Here, There, and Everywhere

So I went into the City yet again, except this time I went with my Dad. So my list is going to be a little different today. i'm actually going to list all the things that I've done but haven't actually mentioned yet.. because it appears I'm a tad bit behind.

Things I've Done:
#9- Write a Blog All Summer Long: I'm going to finally count this as checked off my list because I have updated this blog far more than I have any other blog in my life... in fact I believe that this is actually post #31!
#20- Go on a Hike: To be honest at this point in the summer I've actually been on quite a few hikes but I've been neglecting to take pictures of them because well, I suck.
#24- Take a Day Trip: So my mom and I actually headed over to Calistoga a little less than a week ago.. it's a very charming town but a little scary when the road name changes and you have no cell service to make sure you aren't lost (we actually weren't, thankfully).
#66- See Coit Tower: I saw it, but there were a lot of people and it was really windy so I didn't really take any pictures.
#71- Take a Bus into San Francisco: So this actually served a great purpose as I was actually practicing the route I'll be taking to commute to college this fall.
#127- Prepare for College: I now know my route, have all the electronics I need, have my book list, and have met the SFSUPD.. I'm feeling pretty darn prepared now.
#137- Have Starbucks Spell My Name Correctly Without Me Telling Them How: This is really pretty self explanatory..
#138- Take Justin to the Disney Store: Mom and I took Nemo to the store and I posed him with all of the character from Monsters University that are in the Oozma Kappa Fraternity.. the pictures were adorable!
#145- Walk Along the Train Tracks: So I actually did this with my mom at the very beginning of the summer but I never actually crossed it off.. silly me!
#155- Try New Food: I actually tried Vietnamese food a couple of days ago and it was pretty tasty!
#156- Go to the Walt Disney Family Museum: I had an absolute blast here.. I've never enjoyed a museum more than I enjoyed this one. You should definitely check it out for yourself!
#161- Eat Tiramisu: Had this as the cake at my grandma's birthday this past Sunday.. yum!
#164- Get a Macbook: I finally got my new Macbook Pro for college, yesterday... ahhh I love it so much!
#171- Go to Stow Lake: I used to go here with my dad all the time as a kid.. it was great to be able to revisit it.
#172- Go to San Francisco's Financial District: It was great to check out the financial district... especially since I'm going to be a business major at SFSU!
#187- Go to an Italian Place: Grabbed lunch at a small place called Little Henry's with my dad today; linguini with baby clams- mmm, mmm, good.
#190- See a Waterfall: I actually saw 2 waterfalls today and they were absolutely fantastic!

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