Friday, August 2, 2013

City Days, the Trilogy

So I went into San Francisco once more today.. I know, I know, I've gone like 3 times in 3 days but hey- I gotta get my list items done, don't I?

So here's what I did today:
#8-Send a Message in a Bottle: So I finally managed to do this! Granted my message was written on a napkin and my bottle was a plastic water bottle, but I'm still going to count it!
#21-Visit an Aquarium: So today I went to the Aquarium by the Bay, there were fish, and fish, and more fish.. and otters too!
#35- Make a Rootbeer Float: This one is pretty self explanatory.. Rootbeer and Vanilla ice cream, super basic stuff right there.
#45- Ride the Ferry: Finally rode the ferry for the first time ever! From Larkspur into the city, that way my friend Tiny and I didn't have to pay for parking in the city.. which is always a nightmare!
#63- Take Pictures in a Photobooth: This is another thing that Tiny and I did at the Wharf, which I decided to revisit while I was in the city just because there's so many list items that I can get done there.
#117- Make Chocolate Covered Strawberries: So Tiny decided to sleepover and we raided Safeway for a carton of strawberries and Dulce (which is basically microwaveable chocolate). The strawberries are delicious, by the way!
#134- Ride a Cable Car: The Cable Car was an absolute nightmare to wait for... but nonetheless it was a ton of fun to ride and a truly great experience to have.
#174- Go to the Rainforest Cafe: Coincidentally, the Rainforest Cafe is also located very near to Wharf so Tiny and I were able to have lunch there as soon as we managed to get off of the Ferry and walk all the way down the Embarcadero (which is definitely more tiring when you've already done it two days before).
#179- Use a Fake Name at Starbucks: I told them that my name was Stella, even though it is most definitely Caitlin(; hehe.. so sneaky of me!

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