Sunday, July 28, 2013

Busy, Busy Little Bumble Bee

Hello everyone! I know I've been gone like all week but I've managed to keep up on various items on my list!

#15- Have a picnic: I've had so many picnics this summer but I wanted to make sure it officially got put down.
#30- See Despicable Me 2: I saw this with my mom and 2 brothers, it was absolutely amazing!
#32- Go to the Inkwells: I could of sworn that I already posted about this one but for some reason it didn't get crossed off on the main list.
#38- Make at least 10 new friends: Because I'll be going to college this fall, this item was actually really easy to check off and I have in fact managed to make 10 new friends. Mostly on my college's Facebook page when I posted about Disney lovers!
#51- Go to Tahoe: I actually just got back from Tahoe this weekend, it was such a blast!
#84- Go to a candy factory: I went to a really small little candy factory in Downtown Truckee which is actually a small family owned business.
#173- Learn to juggle: I actually learned how to juggle at a Girl Scout Camp that I worked at this past week which was pretty cool.
#188- Make a fruit salad with as many fruits as I can: I also did this at the camp, we had watermelon, pineapple, strawberries, blueberries, and grapes. It was delicious!

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