Thursday, May 30, 2013

Time to Start Learning Things

So since items #4, 96, 108, and 200 all have to do with plants, I made sure to learn how to re-pot things. My test subject for today was re-potting a rosemary plant. Definitely way easier than I thought it would be. Hopefully I don't have a black thumb so that when I finally start doing my list items all the plants don't die. I think I'm going to put my herb garden into little planter boxes outside the cottage's windows. As for my garden, I'll probably plant some nice, low maintenance, season flowers out in the flower beds out front. Not sure what kind of tree I'm going to get for my wish tree but I have seen some very colorful, ceramic pots that have caught my eye! I'm super excited for learning how to make my plants thrive. 

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