Friday, May 31, 2013

And Off I Go

So today I got a nice 32 oz water bottle (Contigo brand). I've already drunk 64 oz out of it so I'm feeling pretty confident about item #40 (Drink more water). 

Also, I while at Target with my mom I managed to convince her to buy me a brand new pack of 96 Crayola crayons. Although it took forever to find a Disney coloring book, much harder than it should have been! I eventually found one at the Dollar Tree and it has coloring pages from the movies of 101 Dalmatians, Lady and the Tramp, The Lion King, Dumbo, and Bambi. So #29 (Fill an entire coloring book) has been started, and I've already completed 3 pages of it. I'm very proud of all the progress I'm making on all of my items so far! Pictures of my completed pages are below. 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Time to Start Learning Things

So since items #4, 96, 108, and 200 all have to do with plants, I made sure to learn how to re-pot things. My test subject for today was re-potting a rosemary plant. Definitely way easier than I thought it would be. Hopefully I don't have a black thumb so that when I finally start doing my list items all the plants don't die. I think I'm going to put my herb garden into little planter boxes outside the cottage's windows. As for my garden, I'll probably plant some nice, low maintenance, season flowers out in the flower beds out front. Not sure what kind of tree I'm going to get for my wish tree but I have seen some very colorful, ceramic pots that have caught my eye! I'm super excited for learning how to make my plants thrive. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

And So It Begins

Preparations for my whirlwind summer have begun! 

#9 Write A Blog Every Day: Well, I've obviously started this one seeing as I created this blog! Already on day 2 so hopefully I keep going strong!

#18 Do Yoga Every Day: Found a yoga DVD today, now I just have to find the yoga mat we have stashed away in our attic and I'm good to go! 

#30 Go to Disneyland: Started making plans for a trip to Disneyland this August. Working on getting at least 4 others to go with me and now it's just a matte rod securing funds. Hmm...

#40 Drink More Water: Check out the prices for a Camelback water bottle. Hopefully I can convince my parents to get me one as a "graduation present". Cross your fingers!

#70 Write A Novel: I've already begun outlining my novel, including various aspects of the plot as well as character sketches. Even managed to snag a laptop to use temporarily until I get my new MacBook for college. 

Well, I personally think I'm making fantastic progress on this already. Hopefully I can keep up the momentum! There's a good chance that I might have to get a jump on my list and start it before school technically ends or I won't finish it all in time. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

My Summer Bucket List 2013

  1. Make a lemonade stand
  2. Have a water balloon fight
  3. Walk around San Francisco
  4. Plant a garden
  5. Learn to bake
  6. Go to the beach 
  7. Make a fort
  8. Send a message in a bottle
  9. Write a blog all summer long
  10. Reconnect with an old friend
  11. Have a Disney movie marathon
  12. Send a balloon message
  13. Pull an all-nighter
  14. Eat s'mores  
  15. Have a picnic
  16. Bury a friend in the sand
  17. Have only one sugary treat a day
  18. Go to Disneyland
  19. Carve my name into a tree
  20. Go on a hike
  21. Visit an aquarium
  22. Take pictures underwater
  23. Have a food fight
  24. Take a day trip
  25. Go see Monsters University
  26. Draw a chalk mural
  27. Have a Phineas and Ferb marathon
  28. Disneybound as a Disney character (
  29. Fill an entire coloring book
  30. See Despicable Me 2
  31. Make Sun Tea
  32. Go to the Inkwells
  33. Get an anklet 
  34. Be more social
  35. Make a Rootbeer float
  36. Learn to make crepes
  37. Build a sandcastle
  38. Make at least 10 new friends
  39. Make a summer playlist
  40. Drink more water
  41. Finger paint
  42. Learn to skateboard
  43. Ride a rollercoaster
  44. Dip-dye my hair
  45. Ride the Ferry
  46. Get a dream catcher
  47. Get an anchor bracelet
  48. Get a colorful pair of Ray-bans
  49. Stop biting my nails
  50. Beach bonfire
  51. Go to Tahoe
  52. Go stargazing
  53. Be confident in a bikini
  54. Get tan
  55. Take at least one photo every day
  56. Get a pair of Toms
  57. Get a meaningful tattoo (temporary or real)
  58. Get kissed underwater
  59. Play Hide and Go Seek in Ikea
  60. Watch the sunrise
  61. Learn to say love in 50 different languages
  62. Have a game night
  63. Take pictures in a photo booth
  64. Play paint twister
  65. Have breakfast for dinner
  66. See Coit Tower
  67. Have a Harry Potter marathon
  68. Create melted crayon art
  69. Leave a note in a library book
  70. Write a novel
  71. Take the bus to San Francisco
  72. Blow bubbles
  73. Learn to do a cartwheel
  74. Take a picture with Buzz Lightyear
  75. Have a carwash
  76. Watch the sunset
  77. Ride a carousel
  78. Reread the Harry Potter series
  79. Learn to write left handed legibly
  80. Jump on a trampoline
  81. Make a friendship bracelet
  82. Make a "love" ring
  83. Fill an entire notebook
  84. Go to a candy factory
  85. Work out every single day
  86. Become good friends with a cute guy
  87. Lose 10 pounds
  88. Enjoy life more
  89. Get a henna tattoo
  90. Complete a scrapbook
  91. Learn how to do every kind of braid
  92. Drink less soda
  93. Have a photo shoot
  94. Sleep under the stars
  95. Write a letter to my future self
  96. Get a wish tree
  97. Get a set of wind chimes
  98. Watch the clouds for an entire afternoon
  99. Visit a lighthouse
  100. Go to Chinatown
  101. Do a puzzle
  102. Learn sign language
  103. Try new hairstyles
  104. Run down a giant hill
  105. Go for a walk late at night
  106. Release floating lanterns
  107. Go to a museum
  108. Plant an herb garden
  109. Get a charm bracelet
  110. Have a spa day
  111. Go to a fortune teller
  112. Have a dance party
  113. Read every Nicholas Sparks book
  114. Be a vegetarian for a whole week
  115. Bake a rainbow cake
  116. Find out how many licks to the center of a tootsie pop
  117. Make chocolate covered strawberries
  118. Make Nutella ice cream
  119. Order off of Jamba Juice's secret menu
  120. Wear a shirt saying "life" and hand out lemons
  121. Lay on a roof
  122. Do a perfect waterfall braid
  123. Have a Nerf war
  124. Finish an entire tube of chapstick
  125. Go swimming at night
  126. Play in the sprinklers
  127. Prepare for college
  128. Go on a Ferris Wheel
  129. Learn to walk in heels
  130. Get a slurpee on 7/11
  131. Face a fear
  132. Solve a rubix cube
  133. Throw paper airplanes off a bridge
  134. Ride a cable car
  135. Go to the zoo
  136. Make a funny face collage
  137. Have Starbucks spell my name right without telling them how
  138. Take Justin to the Disney Store
  139. Go to the fair
  140. Swing on swings
  141. Write a secret in the sand
  142. Double pierce my ears
  143. Get a random guy's number
  144. Fill an entire sketchbook with doodles
  145. Walk along the train tracks
  146. Get perfect splits
  147. Get dressed up for no reason
  148. Make a fortune cookie fortune come true
  149. Get my nails done
  150. Play a game of poker
  151. Play on a playground
  152. Learn to make jewelry
  153. Make smoothies
  154. Make a flipbook
  155. Try new types of food
  156. Go to the Walt Disney Family Museum 
  157. Go to Muir Woods
  158. Make a time capsule
  159. Fly a kite
  160. Go to a festival
  161. Eat tiramisu
  162. Try colored contacts
  163. Pick a bouquet of wildflowers
  164. Get a MacBook
  165. Make an espresso drink at home
  166. Go to a burger joint
  167. Go to a baseball game
  168. Go to Carmel
  169. Get an iPad
  170. Read a classic book
  171. Go to Stow Lake
  172. Go to San Francisco's Financial District
  173. Learn to juggle
  174. Go to the Rainforest Café
  175. Do something with all my corks
  176. Make homemade orange juice
  177. Make a stepping stone
  178. Go to Fisherman's Wharf
  179. Use a fake name at Starbucks
  180. Collect seashells
  181. Make a summer snowman
  182. Set a dandelion on fire and see if the fire changes colors
  183. Get an infinity ring
  184. Become healthier
  185. Play a game of scrabble
  186. Have a water gun fight
  187. Go to an Italian place
  188. Make a fruit salad with as many different fruits as I can
  189. Have a silly string fight
  190. See a waterfall
  191. Watch an entire T.V. series
  192. Learn to do the monkey bars
  193. Send a letter by snail mail
  194. Recreate an old picture
  195. Go to Monteray
  196. Have a 3-legged race
  197. Buy a cute pair of shorts
  198. Get Boba
  199. Have a puppet show
  200. Re-connect with my dad

The Infinite Summer

Hello everyone! My name is Caitlin and I'm creating this blog as a way for others to follow along and watch as I journey through my summer bucket list. I decided to make this list as a way to really appreciate my last summer before college by trying new things, getting back in touch with my childhood, and to make personal improvements to myself. My main goal is to finish every single thing on my list, make new friends, and create memories and experiences that I'll remember forever. Thank you very much for stopping by to check out my blog and I hope that you choose to follow along with me this summer. Who knows, maybe you'll even be inspired to make your own summer bucket list!