Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Adventures in the City.. Twice!

I got a ton of things done today (which is awesome), and they were all done in the city! All in all I actually walked about 8-9 miles today, and I can definitely feel it! (My legs feels like they're going to fall off).

So here's what I did today:
#3- Walk Around San Francisco: I definitely did walk around SF.. walked from Fort Mason all the way down the Embarcadero, into the financial district, back up along the Embarcadero to where the car was parked at Fort Mason, then around the de Young, and then later that night around Chinatown.
#63- Have a Game Night: After I got home from my first trip to the city, I sat down and play multiple rounds of the classic board game Sorry! with my family.. I never won (bummer!).
#96- Get a Wish Tree: I got the cutest little lucky coin/wish tree from a shop in Chinatown on my second trip into SF today.
#100- Go to Chinatown: Went into Chinatown and explored about late tonight, well after dark.. it was a little sketchy and frightening, but still lots of fun.
#107- Go to a Museum: Today I went to the de Young Art Museum for the first time ever, it was really cool and interesting. I really enjoyed how there were so many different and unique pieces to look at.
#178- Go to Fisherman's Wharf: There were so many boats in and around the Wharf today, it was great looking at all of them and checking out the views of the Wharf. Didn't check out too many of the shops but I'll be heading back into the city fairly soon so I'll check them out then.
#198- Get Boba: So I actually went and got Bubble Tea (Boba) twice today. Once on each of my little adventures into the city. I know a great place where you can get it for just $1.07 so that's pretty awesome.

**DISCLAIMER** Even though I start college in late August, I'm not going to consider "summer" over until late September. So I will still be posting even in September.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Busy, Busy Little Bumble Bee

Hello everyone! I know I've been gone like all week but I've managed to keep up on various items on my list!

#15- Have a picnic: I've had so many picnics this summer but I wanted to make sure it officially got put down.
#30- See Despicable Me 2: I saw this with my mom and 2 brothers, it was absolutely amazing!
#32- Go to the Inkwells: I could of sworn that I already posted about this one but for some reason it didn't get crossed off on the main list.
#38- Make at least 10 new friends: Because I'll be going to college this fall, this item was actually really easy to check off and I have in fact managed to make 10 new friends. Mostly on my college's Facebook page when I posted about Disney lovers!
#51- Go to Tahoe: I actually just got back from Tahoe this weekend, it was such a blast!
#84- Go to a candy factory: I went to a really small little candy factory in Downtown Truckee which is actually a small family owned business.
#173- Learn to juggle: I actually learned how to juggle at a Girl Scout Camp that I worked at this past week which was pretty cool.
#188- Make a fruit salad with as many fruits as I can: I also did this at the camp, we had watermelon, pineapple, strawberries, blueberries, and grapes. It was delicious!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Back from Hiatus

So I know that I've been gone for a while... Honestly I've just been too busy and too tired to post recently. Hopefully I'll be able to post more now though!

Even though I haven't been blogging, I've still been keeping up with my list which is great!

Here's what I've done:
#39-Make a Summer Playlist: So my playlist is composed of all of my favorite songs that I know all the words too and really make me feel excited or mellow or any sort of summery feelings. You can message me if you want to mow which songs exactly. 
#87- Lose 10 Pounds: Hooray for me! I've finally lost 10 pounds, yay!!
#111- Go to a Fortune Teller: So while I was at the county fair on the 4th of July, I noticed a little booth that was kind of hidden by other booths and it ended up being a psychic's booth. I actually ended up getting my tarot cards read, as well as my palm. 
#128- Go on a Ferris Wheel: Also while at the fair my best friend and I went on a Ferris Wheel overlooking the entire fair 
#130- Get a Slurpee on 7/11: So I ended up getting a Coca-Cola and PiƱa Colada slurpee as my free slurpee!
#139- Go to the Fair: Like I said earlier in my post I went to the county fair on the 4th of July with my best friend.